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VBS is Honored to Receive it's 4th Award!

I wanted to say a huge thank you to Hermine from The Girl in a Cashmere Daze for honoring Victoria Beckham Style with it's fourth award! This is an wonderfully kind gesture and I can't thank you enough!

I know the blog has been a bit slow lately so to have received this award means a great deal to me! I promise I will be back to my blogging best in May when I'm finally done with my college career! Can not wait till then!

The Award Rules Are:
  • Post the logo on your blog
  • Pass it on to 12 bloggers that inspire you
  • Link them to let them know

Although I love so many sites and blogs, I can only choose 12 so here goes...

  1. Passion Des Louboutins
  2. Red Carpet Fashion Awards
  3. GlamBeckhams
  4. Dress like Victoria Beckham
  5. The Shoe Girl's Blog
  6. Cupcakes and Cashmere
  7. Jak & Jil
  8. Erin Jeen.
  9. The Love Magazine Blog
  10. The Girl in a Cashmere Daze
  11. Nicole Richie Fashion
  12. Purse Addict
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