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Fish ‘n’ Chips – Will it be a Luxury?

There will be less fish in the sea and it will happen within our life time. I recently read an interesting article on how fish will become a food where only the rich will be afford to eat.

For many, a fish meal will become ‘rebranded’ – fish bites made from lots of soya, algae or jelly fish or have we will have fish from swamps, fresh water and pens. When I researched the issue of extinct fish on the internet and elsewhere, this could just hold true. Because of human interventions through commercial fishing and environmental changes, the chemistry of fish and the numbers are dwindling. A new report from an eminent marine biologist Professor Callum Roberts puts into stark relief how bad the damage is. His research illustrates how powerful boats and space-age technology have been used to chase down the last of the fish.

His research illustrates how powerful boats and space-age technology have been used to chase down the last of the fish.

Some interestingly bites on fish and what is happening:

- Cod, once a staple of the British diet, is now mainly caught around Iceland

- Salmon will soon never be caught in Britain.

- Most of our oyster beds are finished.

- Over-fishing has destroyed not just individual species but entire marine eco-systems.

All this can mean that chances of recovering are minimal, even if fishing is halted - the world they lived in has vanished.

Did you know that if a boat catches more than its allotted amount or the wrong kind of fish, the whole catch has to be dumped - even though all the fish are already dead.

What do we do? We perhaps can treat our fish better and treat the environment better. Those who can, perhaps lobby the leaders to act.

For parents, I thought this would make an interesting read for your children especially the older ones and perhaps dig an article or two on it.

You can

Do let me know what you think of these issues. It would be great to share it with other parents.

Animal Life for Children: ALL ABOUT FISH

Happy Cooking and Teaching!
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